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How Babies Tell You They Love You

Writer's picture: The Jacksonville Baby CompanyThe Jacksonville Baby Company

Updated: May 8, 2024

how babies tell you they love you | Jax, FL Newborn Doula

How Babies Tell You They Love You Those first 6 weeks of life after giving birth are surreal, overwhelming, beautiful, crazy, (your turn to fill in the blank). You name it and parents somewhere, in a home not far from your own, have felt and experienced it too! After 6 weeks things begin to get easier as you settle into more of a loose routine. You are learning your baby and your baby is learning how to live life outside the womb.

It sounds cliché, but it does get easier! As you survive the first year of parenting it's so easy to get caught up in the day to day challenges, your own thoughts, and self-doubt. You’re responsible for this tiny little person who came rushing into the world and captured your heart. This little person whose only mode of communication is squeals, squirms, rooting, cries, grunts, and smells. Not our dominate communication style as adults, but you are doing amazing! I see new parents bravely venturing into uncharted territory, parents who love their children and want to be the very best they can be for their children. They have their own ideas of what the "best" is. I commend all parents for just sticking with it, sometimes it's just surviving, and sometimes it thriving, that's why I am there, to help them thrive! This list may be laughable, but it's the truth. We could all benefit from a little more laughter and a lot more encouragement!

In honor of all of you amazing parents out there, here's how babies tell you they love you:

Your Baby Wakes Your baby sleeps off and on all day and the very moment you slip off to sleep he wakes up for a long stretch. He wakes to eat, to see your face and hear your heartbeat! A face he's studying and a heartbeat he knows as home.

Your Baby Poops Your baby is an eating and pooping machine. I think every one of us has asked ourselves at least once, "how is it possible for one tiny human to poop this much?" Am I right? Being a super pooper means they are great eaters! How do they know to poop just after we put a fresh diaper on their booty? You got to love that they'll wait until it's time for a diaper change, I mean come on, how do they know? There is a running joke between current clients of ours, they're certain that their baby waits till dad returns home before pooping each day and poops at bath time when it's dads turn for bath routine. Baby genius!

Your Baby Knows Does your baby seem to always want you? Does he only want you to soothe him in times of distress? Whether it's teething, illness, or fighting sleep, these babies know they're smart! They sense you; they just know it's you! Has there ever been a day where Murphy's Law seemed to apply to you all day long when going out with your baby? Blow-outs, spit up, fussy fits, oh my!

They Say "Mama/Dada" Those magical words are sometimes anticipated and other times it takes you by surprise. Why is it they only say the magical word to you the first gillion times? She clearly repeats the most exciting words ever spoken, over and over, but only when you're alone. Pull out that camera and you are sure to get a precious, but confused gawk while you wait without success for those words, "Mama", or "Dada". What gives?

Then, One Day, They Say It Just when you thought nothing could be sweeter than those cute giggles, smiles in their sleep, seeing them milk drunk, and hearing the words Mama and Dada, she speaks the sweetest words ever spoken from a child to her parents: I Love You! "I Love You" makes all those sleepless nights, whining and crying, miserable days of teething, and all those explosive diapers worth it. You wouldn't trade those words for anything!

In those moments you feel engulfed with love and it's what living is all about! How babies tell you they love you may seem small now, but they'll be meaningful memories you will cherish and carry with you for the rest of your days. Again cliché, but it's true, you'll look back and miss these days! No truer words have ever been spoken.

Share this blog with a new mom or dad, an expecting couple, your friends, sisters, co-workers, and neighbors. You never know who you’ll touch with these encouraging words!



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