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Pumping and Breastfeeding On The Fly

Writer's picture: The Jacksonville Baby CompanyThe Jacksonville Baby Company

Updated: May 6, 2024

Pumping and Breastfeeding On The Fly

First Coast Doulas knows that pumping and breastfeeding on the fly are a necessity! We support parents all over Jacksonville who need or choose to breastfeed and bottle feed, formula and breastmilk. Florida law protects a mother's right to breastfeed her baby in any location, public or private, where the mother is otherwise authorized to be, irrespective of whether the nipple of the mother’s breast is uncovered during or incidental to the breastfeeding.

Cover, no cover, it's what the lactating woman herself feels comfortable with, no one else.

Pumping and breastfeeding on the fly just got a little cozier! Traveling with a baby in tow is no easy feat. If you're a breastfeeding or pumping mother you know it's a little more challenging to be comfortable when out and about while lactating. Whether you are flying cross-country, planning a trip to the zoo, or just doing some shopping at the mall all moms deserve the right to be more comfortable while feeding or pumping milk for babies!

We have some good news for those of you flying into or out of Jax International Airport! We are fortunate enough to have a  Mamava Suite located right here in Jacksonville. These suites are beautifully designed, totally breastfeeding and pumping friendly, and offer a quiet, private place for women to lactate, relax, and do their thing should they want another option. Nursing during the newborn stage can sometimes feel awkward at first while mom and baby find their rhythm. Pumping can seem daunting with all the parts, pieces, and funny sounds the pump sometimes make. Let's not forget there's rarely an electrical outlet to plug up a pump. A woman's body can have a difficult time with letdown if she feels unsafe or stressed out. This nursing, pumping, breastfeeding suite helps eliminate some of that stress. Older babies and toddler get easily distracted by things around them and may fight sleep or take twice as long to nurse when surrounded by stimuli. Ain't nobody got time for that, especially a mom on a mission!

Anyone with an older toddler knows that when you're feeding the baby the toddler makes every attempt to get away with all the things!

Bottom line, women deserve options for feeding babies and being more comfortable no matter where they are! Complete with table, benches, plugs, and a locking door so your puppy-monkey-baby can't escape, these suites are amazing! With 32 square foot of space the Mamava Suites are roomy enough for a stroller, luggage, and company. The Mamava Suite is first class all the way. We have a long way to go in Jacksonville, and in the United States as a whole to make moms more comfortable breastfeeding and pumping breastmilk for babies, but this is an amazing start! These Mamava Suites are located in airports, zoos, arenas, hospitals, schools, malls, and a few other places. We desperately need better options especially in children's hospitals like Nemours.

When I saw the Mamava Suite in Jacksonville my first thought was this isn't about isolating breastfeeding moms or hiding what pumping looks like, it's about families being supported in their choices for their family!

Way to go Mamava!

August is breastfeeding awareness month. Vote here for one lucky place to get a lactation suite of their very own. We voted for the Jacksonville Zoo, but you can vote for anywhere!



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