Secrets to Having Great Sex when Your Baby Is NearbyAre there really secrets to having great sex when your baby is nearby? In the beginning, new parents sometimes feel disconnected from sex while others do not skip a beat. Both are completely normal, not everyone is ready to engage in sex again at the same time. As long as you aren't staying in the valley too long or taking risks with your health and body in those early weeks, where you fall on the scale is probably pretty normal! For most parents, if you want to have time for sex you have to make time and get creative! You might be wondering if having sex when your baby is nearby is even possible, it totally is!So let's just get right down to business so you can get down to business! Sex is a normal, healthy part of life. It can give you a release that is healing and helpful. Sex can be centered on your partner with no interest in self-gratification too. Sex is about connection, not always about orgasms and thrills! You can learn so much about yourself and your partner during sex through open communication and trust.
Secrets to Having Great Sex When Your Baby Is Nearby #1:
Extra Nap or Nap Extended!Routines and schedules are proven to be beneficial. Sometimes though it's perfectly healthy to let go of the routine and be "spontaneous". Let your baby take an extra nap or sleep another hour now and again and engage in some adult activity! It can break up the monotony and create little sparks here and there! Heck maybe even enjoy a glass of wine while you're at it!
Secrets to Having Great Sex When Your Baby Is Nearby #2:
Room Divider for Room Sharing, not Sex Shaming!For the room sharing parents, if "All Eyez on Me," isn't your thing don't worry! You don't need to be Tupac Shakur to feel the "Changes" that parenthood brings! Younger infants have exactly no idea what sex is, no remembrance of their parents bouncing and moaning, and there have been no studies to ever show it will have any effects on them whatsoever.If your infant's tiny eyes are making it hard for you or your partner to disconnect from the rational part of your brains, the neocortex, and slip into the primal, instinctual part of your brain, the Limbic system then a blindfold or room divider are cheap and easy ways to take eyes off your infant and connect with your partner!
Secrets to Having Great Sex When Your Baby Is Nearby #3:
Make Playtime, "Playtime"!As parents, we are ALWAYS looking for ways to get a damn shower! Instead of engaging in playtime with your baby today or this hour, why not make shower time double duty?! Put baby in his/her rock n play or bouncer in the bathroom, grab your favorite waterproof vibrator, or you know your partner if he/she is home, and jump in the shower! Great sex can happen alone too! A quickie in the shower, while your baby plays safely in ear and eyeshot from you, can be exhilarating as well as refreshing! Double the pleasure!The Jax Baby Compant knows you’re human. You have desires, and sometimes no desire! We know what it's like to need time with your partner, alone! As postpartum doulas, we help parents live the healthiest lives possible. Sex is important, kids are important, your marriage or partnership is important, and YOU are important!
At The Jax Baby Company our brand is built on the motto, "First Love Yourself," and we mean it! It's ok to put your needs and desires first sometimes, your kids will have happier parents because of it; your family will be healthier because you loved yourself first!
Happy birth and parenting from the best doulas in Jax. FL